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Red Hot Sonic 2

Red Hot Sonic 2 Description

<p>started in early 2004, this hack featured two fan characters: red hot sonic and jet pack tails. several versions were released (0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, and then finally 0.90). the hack started badly (especially the palettes) but became more developed over time.</p><h2>red hot sonic 2 game description</h2><p>because it was made through the original soned, the hack did not feature many coding changes. instead, it had palette changes, different level layouts, and some new art. it did feature a brand new object that was totally original and hasn’t been featured in a hack before: the walk-through-wall monitor. when this was destroyed, the character was given the power to walk through a wall.</p><p>this only appeared in hidden palace zone. all the level names were changed, with some becoming quite nonsensical. for example, hidden palace zone was renamed crystalize, even though there were no crystals on that level.</p><p>eventually, redhotsonic began to lose interest in hacking, especially due to events in his life (new job, etc.), so red hot sonic 2 was never finished and development ended with version 0.90. he then announced his desire to let someone continue it if they so desired. a few volunteers expressed their interest and ultimately jman2050 was chosen. ever since then, no more was heard about this hack, although jman did make a post concerning it and explaining the lack of updates: sonic retro<br> here</p><h2>game features</h2><ul><li>new layouts, titles, and palettes for each level.</li><li>new sprites.</li><li>new huds.</li></ul><h2>play red hot sonic 2 online</h2><p>you can <strong>play red hot sonic 2 online</strong> here, in a web browser, for free!</p>