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Pokémon Red Version

Pokémon Red Version Description

<p>pokã©mon red version is the international version of pocket monsters akai. compared to the earlier version, red has updated graphics and audio, some changes to area layouts, and significantly overhauled code, all of which in fact originate from the japanese release of pocket monsters ao.</p><p>red and akai share the same version-exclusive pokã©mon; in order to complete the pokã©dex, players must trade with owners of blue version.</p><h2>pokã©mon red version game description</h2><p>the player can use his or her pokã©mon to battle other pokã©mon. when the player encounters a wild pokã©mon or is challenged by a trainer, the screen switches to a turn-based battle screen that displays the engaged pokã©mon.</p><p>during a battle, the player may select a maneuver for his or her pokã©mon to fight using one of four moves, use an item, switch his or her active pokã©mon, or attempt to flee (the last of these is not possible in trainer battles). pokã©mon have hit points (hp); when a pokã©mon’s hp is reduced to zero, it faints and can no longer battle until it is revived. once an enemy pokã©mon faints, the player’s pokã©mon involved in the battle receive a certain number of experience points (exp).</p><p>after accumulating enough exp, a pokã©mon will level up. a pokã©mon’s level controls its physical properties, such as the battle statistics acquired, and the moves it has learned. at certain levels, the pokã©mon may also evolve. these evolutions affect the statistics and the levels at which new moves are learned (higher levels of evolution gain more statistics per level, although they may not learn new moves as early, if at all, compared with the lower levels of evolution).</p><h2>play pokã©mon red version online!</h2><p>catching pokã©mon is another essential element of the gameplay. while battling with a wild pokã©mon, the player may throw a pokã© ball at it. if the pokã©mon is successfully caught, it will come under the player’s ownership.</p><p>factors in the success rate of capture include the hp of the target pokã©mon and the type of pokã© ball used: the lower the target’s hp and the stronger the pokã© ball, the higher the success rate of capture. the ultimate goal of the games is to complete the entries in the pokã©dex, a comprehensive pokã©mon encyclopedia, by capturing, evolving, and trading to obtain all 151 creatures.</p><p>now you can <strong>play pokã©mon red version onilne</strong> here, in a web browser for free!</p>