• Super Solvers: OutNumbered!
  • Sid & Al's Incredible Toons
  • Bug Bomber
  • Ascendancy
  • Quadrax
  • K-1 Tank


Stratego Description

<p>the board game stratego is a more elaborate version of capture the flag. each player starts with 40 pieces; made up by the flag, 5 bombs, and an assortment of 9 types of military units. <strong>play stratego online!</strong></p><p>after these have been placed, each player takes it in turn to move their pieces. other than scouts (which are the least powerful) the units can only move one space at a time.the flag and bombs can’t be moved during the game, so watch out for any squares the computer does not move when it otherwise logically should, and these could be your goal.</p><p>when you choose a square occupied by an opposition piece, combat arises, and the higher-numbered piece is lost from the game. you have no way of knowing what strength the opposition pieces are until you have hit them.</p><p>this computerized interpretation has 3 different board layouts, a selection of automatic setups with different strategic benefits, and a demo mode.</p>