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Speedball Description

<p><strong>speedball</strong> is a violent futuristic sports <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/action-dos-games-online/">action</a> game that combines elements of handball, wrestling and football/rugby. it takes place somewhere in the 21st century and you control a team of five ballers who are wearing spiked armor bodywear, helmets and gloves. <strong>play speedball online!</strong></p><h2>speedball game description</h2><p>the 160 feet long and 90 feet wide play area, called the speed dome, is a arena surrounded by a 30 feet high steel-wall with a goal at either end. the aim is to get the steel-ball into the opponent’s goal and there are no rules to accomplish this aim.</p><p>so one can beat up the opponent players and the opponent goalkeeper as well to make it just that little easier to get to the goal and score. the mechanical ball launcher in the center of the play area spits out the ball in a random direction at the start of play and after a team scored a goal. there are two door-sized holes, called ball warp tunnels, positioned on opposing walls in the center of the arena. throwing the ball into one of them causes it to reappear on the opposite side at exactly the same speed and angle as it entered.</p><p>the four bounce domes appear in different formats on the play area for each match. the players can move freely over the bounce domes whereas the ball will be deflected off of the bounce domes.</p><h2>play speedball online</h2><p>you can <strong>play speedball online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>