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Psycho Pinball

Psycho Pinball Description

<p><strong>psycho pinball</strong> is another <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/pinball-dos-games-online/">pinball game</a> in the style first introduced in <em>pinball dreams</em> and later popularized in <em>pinball fantasies</em>. standard features of these types of pinball simulations include an animated backglass display, multiple bonuses including a multi-ball, extra ball, etc., and background music that changes based on active specials. <strong>play psycho pinball online!</strong></p><p><strong>there are three main tables:</strong></p><ul><li>the abyss (aquatic theme)</li><li>trick or treat (horror theme)</li><li>wild west (western theme)</li></ul><p>an additional gimmick is a fourth psycho pinball table (circus theme) that has bonuses that can launch you to the other three tables, leading to massively high scores (and very long gameplay times).</p>