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Normality Description

<p><strong>normality</strong> is a 3d graphical <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/adventure-dos-games-online/">adventure game</a>, released in june 1996 by gremlin interactive. <strong>play normality online!</strong></p><h2>normality game description</h2><p>kent knutson is a teenager who lives in the city of neutropolis. the city is controlled by a totalitarian regime, which prohibits people to express any emotions that would deviate from the prescribed norm – such as joy and happiness. kent is arrested by the norms, the police force of neutropolis, and put in prison for whistling a merry tune. in prison, he received an anonymous note that tells him that there is a resistance group somewhere in the city, which seeks to overthrow the dictator of neutropolis. the question is – how can kent find that resistance group?..</p><p><i>normality</i> is an adventure game done entirely in 3d, similarly to under a killing moon, though with more colorful, cartoon-like visuals. besides the somewhat unusual (for the genre) engine, the game plays like a traditional puzzle-solving adventure, primarily relying on manipulation of objects kent is able to pick up and put in his inventory.</p><h2>play normality online</h2><p>you can <strong>play normality online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>