• Dune
  • Zeppelin: Giants of the Sky
  • Fort Apache
  • R.O.M. Gold: Rings of Medusa
  • Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel VGA
  • Tower Toppler

Ms Pac PC

Ms Pac PC Description

<p><strong>ms pac pc</strong> is an unofficial <a href="https://classicgames.gg/play-dos-games-online/">dos</a> conversion of ms. pac-man. <strong>play ms pac pc online!</strong></p><h2>ms pac pc game description</h2><p>it follows the basic pac-man formula: the player moves around in maze with the goal to eat all drops which are lying in the hallways, however, there are also ghosts of different colour walking around the maze, and their touch is deadly. the player can also collect special items which either give bonus points or allow ms. pac-man to eat the ghosts for a limited amount of time.</p><h2>play ms pac pc online</h2><p>you can <strong>play ms pac pc online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>