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Math Blaster Plus!

Math Blaster Plus! Description

<p><strong>math blaster plus!</strong> is an updated version of the older math blaster! <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/educational-dos-games-online/">educational game</a>. unlike the previous version, this one’s not in basic! <strong>play math blaster plus! online!</strong></p><h2>math blaster plus! game description</h2><p>a new gui greets users, called the “davidson student desktop interface”- this allows people to switch from one portion of the game to the next without all that nasty _typing_.</p><p>the math is broken down into five subjects- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions/decimals/percents. the game itself is broken into 5 activities-</p><p>countdown- a flash-card style “game” with no scoring or timing. a problem, with answer, is shown on screen- upon command, the same problem appears sans answer, and must be answered correctly.</p><p>ignition- problems appear, and upon a correct answer, motivational messages and animations pop up. the player has two chances to answer correctly, and receives a scoreboard at the end showing number of problems, number solved, etc. (this scoreboard appears in the next two listed activities.)</p><p>lift-off- problems appear, with answer, but missing an internal component (like 2 * _ = 12). three chances per problem are given to answer correctly. once again, there are encouraging messages and animations- and a certificate of achievement may be printed out.</p><p>orbit- three problems appear on-screen with portions of each in boxes; these boxes may contain errors and need to be changed by the player. each correct answer earns a star, and the player can attempt to answer twice. this one also can print a certificate of achievement.</p><p>blasternaut- the action-oriented math activity- you control a blasternaut that must get into a rocket aimed at the correct answer to a shown problem. bonus points are awarded if you can rescue floating blasternauts- apparently slamming into them with the nosecone of a huge rocket constitutes help.</p><p>the math problems contained within aren’t randomly generated, but are pre-written lessons (which are handily printed in the instruction manuals.) math blaster plus! can be used to create new lessons, can be used in a classroom setting to track individual students’ performance, and can print stored lessons as paper-based quizzes/tests for more traditional (and more boring) use.</p><h2>play math blaster plus! online</h2><p>you can <strong>play math blaster plus! online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>