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Colorado Description

<p><strong>colorado</strong> is a side-view action game with <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/adventure-dos-games-online/">adventure</a> and trading elements, in which you must survive despite the constant threats of indians and wildlife. the plot involves a search for a cheyenne goldmine. the game also has many unconventional objects and weapons that can be used against your foes. <strong>play colorado online!</strong></p><h2>colorado game description</h2><p><em>i was canoeing quietly up the south platte river when i suddenly heard shouts coming from the shore. i glimpsed a group of pawnees between the trees, attacking an old indian. i grabbed my faithful betty, and pulled the trigger. once again, my aim was good. the head pawnee bit the dust. the other warriors, frightened by “the stick that spits fire” ran away immediately. i rushed over to the old man. he was a cheyenne big chief. i noticed he was tied to the ground by a length of rope connected to a heavy wooden peg. i recognized this as a cheyenne death ritual-an aged indian will tie himself this way in an enemy’s territory, so he may die the death of a warrior. </em></p><p><em>the man was dying. he had been wounded in three places. he held out a piece of parchment to me, and whispered in a weak voice, “help me, i am dying, i have lived the life of a warrior, now i die like one… but also i must be buried as one to enter the happy hunting ground. do this for me, and i will make you rich.”</em></p><p>and thus a lonely trapper, armed with his trusty rifle ‘betty’, a hatchet and a knife, finds himself in a hostile land, full of peril and danger awaiting him, while he tries to find pocahontas’ mine.</p><p>apart from fighting you’ll need to navigate through the wilderness, jump over obstacles, ride a canoe (and fight the natives off with the paddle), climb, find stuff and trade it… there’s a lot to do, so you won’t get bored. this game is a very good mixture between action and adventure genres, although the adventure part lacks some depth in the story plotline (were it not for the manual, you probably wouldn’t even know what the plot was).</p><p>the graphics (you can choose either ega or vga mode) art very nice (especially for 1990), but there’s not much music and sound. the game comes in two languages (english and german). the controls are ok once you get used to them (read the manual to learn the controls), although at first they do seem a bit complicated. every now and again this game will save the location you are at. unfortunately you can’t save whenever you want. so in order to help you with the game, the walkthrough is included.</p><h2>play colorado online</h2><p>you can <strong>play colorado online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>