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Body Blows

Body Blows Description

<p><strong>body blows</strong> is a <a href="https://classicgames.gg/play-dos-games-online/">ms-dos</a> <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/fighting-dos-games-online/">versus fighting game</a>. it was released in 1993 by team17. the game has a lot of similarities to <strong>street fighter ii</strong>, for example, both had two characters with projectile, rising uppercut and spinning kick special moves and played identically (as with ryu and ken). <strong>play body blows online!</strong></p><h2>body blows game description</h2><p>around the time of the amiga version of street fighter 2, amiga specialists team 17 came up with a similar one on one beat ’em up, designed around the machine’s strengths and weaknesses.</p><p>in one-player mode you have four characters to choose from – brothers dan and nik play identically, lo-ray is a buddhist monk, and junior a failed boxer.</p><p>the opponents include a ninja warrior, a businessman whose post-fight catchphrase is ‘i’m sorry about that’, and a thin spanish girl. the backdrops feature lots of color and animation, varying from wrestling rings to building sites and beaches.</p><p>the control is designed around one-button controllers, with special moves generated by pushing in a certain direction and pressing fire, and one ‘super special’ move by holding fire for a few seconds. the real skill is in combining these moves effectively.</p><h2>play body blows online</h2><p>you can <strong>play body blows online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>