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The Ancient Art of War

The Ancient Art of War Description

<p><strong>the ancient art of war</strong> is a computer game designed by dave and barry murry, developed by evryware, and originally published by brã¸derbund in 1984. it is generally recognized as one of the first <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/real-time-strategy-dos-games-online/">real-time strategy</a> or real-time tactics games. <strong>play the ancient art of war online!</strong></p><h2>the ancient art of war game description</h2><p><i>the ancient art of war</i> is a real-time strategy game based on the very basic elements of war: unit types, formation, and strength. the game is set in ancient battle-style times before the use of gun powder, consisting of the three basic unit types of that period: the light armored but fast ‘barbarians’, the heavily armored but slow ‘knights’, and the ranged ‘archers’. a fourth non-combatant unit type is also available: ‘spies’, which is only available under certain campaign rule settings.</p><p>the game consists of different scenarios to choose from, each with a different geographical setting, difficulty setting, visibility setting, and victory condition setting. some settings may be subject to change by the player.</p><p>gameplay is represented in two major areas:</p><ul><li>the first is the tactical/political map, which visualizes geographical and terrain elements from a top-down perspective. here the player can coordinate, position, reinforce troops, and also command them to attack, defend or ambush enemy troops in a real-time setting. time may be set to pause, faster or slower to make battle plans easier.</li><li>the second is the combat screen where one group of soldiers fight another group of the enemy. a squad consisting a maximum of 14 soldiers will fight according to their set battle formation and will act only on the player’s real-time battle commands (e.g. attack, forward, retreat, etc.).</li></ul><p>the difficulty levels are represented by eight opponents, which include the greek goddess of war athena, a stereotypical russian-soviet commander named crazy ivan, as well as the historical characters alexander the great, julius caesar, genghis khan, napoleon, geronimo, and sun tzu as the hardest opponent. each opponent has a different fighting style of combat and strategy.</p><p>the game also comes with a construction set which allows the player to create own campaigns: from the story, rules to the map editor. in this game editor, the player can also tweak troops to the player’s liking, such as default troop formations.</p><h2>play the ancient art of war online</h2><p>you can <strong>play the ancient art of war online</strong> here, in web browser for free!</p>