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Alien Cabal

Alien Cabal Description

<p><strong>alien cabal</strong> is a 1997 <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game-category/first-person-shooter-dos-games-online/">first-person shooter</a> published by qasoft and consisting of ten levels. its distribution package also contains the “vedit” level editor. although difficult to confirm, the game is claimed to be built on a modified version of <a href="https://classicgames.gg/game/play-doom-ii-hell-earth-online/">doom ii</a>, as stated by one of the game’s testers, although this has been denied by an anon editor claiming to be greg taylor; and the game features menus and details very similar to the doom games. <strong>play alien cabal online!</strong></p><h2>alien cabal game description</h2><p>in <i>alien cabal</i>, aliens have invaded earth. now it is the player’s responsibility to move through the levels and shoot everything which moves.</p><p>this is a 2,5d shooter played from a first-person perspective. the basic goal of every level is to reach the exit – however, there are two main obstacles on the way: closed passages (can be opened by finding key cards or pressing switches) and enemies which have to be disposed of with weapon force (pistol, shotgun, machine gun, grenades and bazooka). when opponents manage to shoot the player, some life energy is lost and as soon as it reaches zero, the game is over. besides key cards, there are other useful items lying around the levels which can be picked up to stock up health, armor or ammo.</p><p>the player always aims directly in the middle of the screen. to shoot enemies, it is required to line up the shot not only horizontally, but also vertically when enemies are on a different plain. when finishing a level, a rating is awarded based on enemies killed, destroyed objects, found secret areas and picked up items.</p><h2>play alien cabal online</h2><p>you can play alien cabal online here, in web browser for free!</p>