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Iron Blood

Iron Blood Description

<p>iron blood is a side-scrolling action game where the player is given the opportunity to control two different robots through a futuristic society. each robot has different weapons, different levels, and a different look.</p><h2>iron blood game description</h2><p>the levels range from standard side-scrolling ones where the player moves from one side of the screen to the other, fighting the enemy robots that get in the their way, to auto-scrolling flight levels where the player must move quickly and shoot down attackers. there are numerous bosses to face along the way.</p><p>you have 2 players (roy fregun piloting the rg-104 cyber-troll and sedrin cleis piloting the sg-43 ripple) to choose from in iron blood, each with his/her own special abilities and weapons. the game is equally fun with both, although the rg-104 cyber-troll’s jet booster was very helpful in making those impossible high jumps you will need to make.</p><p>aside from the advantage the jet booster lends to the rg-104 cyber-troll, the game is equally challenging with both characters.</p><p>the game’s highlights, aside from great anime graphics, are definitely the end-level bosses, each of whom has unique weapons, attack modes, and weaknesses that are fun to discover.</p>